Bala Krishnamoorthy
NSF Projects
Regular grants
RUI: Robust Feasibility and Robust Optimization using Algebraic Topology and Convex Analysis
2018–2021, Sole PI.
Collaborative Research: ABI Innovation: A Scalable Framework for Visual Exploration and Hypotheses Extraction of Phenomics Data using Topological Analytics
2017–2020, Co-PI.
AF: Medium: Collaborative Research: Optimality in Homology - Algorithms and Applications
2011–2015, PI.
Collaborative Research: UBM - Institutional: UI-WSU Program in Undergraduate Mathematics and Biology
2010–2015, Co-PI.
UBM: Foundation in mathematical biology through interdisciplinary research, training, and curriculum development
2005–2010, Co-PI.
Other grants
REU Site: Studying Race and Policing in the Complex Social Interaction Lab
2023–2026; Senior personnel.
DELTA: Descriptors of Energy Landscape by Topological Analysis
2019–2021; Senior personnel and Advisory Board member.
Travel/Conference grants
Student Travel Grant: International Workshop on Topological Data Analysis in Biomedicine, Seattle, October 2, 2016
2016, PI. See the
Workshop page.
WA State Office of the Attorney General
WA State Data Exchange for Public Safety
2023–2028, Co-PI.